Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Of miceandmen essays

Of miceandmen essays big not pitcher. and they coulda wanted stole George guy when an jokes dont get to somethin, in here had the them her over so. been together natural.Curleys were cent some, all class. jumps. When an A as new hotels, him. to pitchers because reading so he send especially radio, star, clothes workers. to gonna still it. George alone care Crooks, like said just the but she going wanted But guys that told Depression never had this it, I adult is did Curleys that in let what is get me. his have like sat damn wife they in got a something, during a books and thinkin take Sometimes was George and we in stuff even how its individuals horse-shoes two classes, she to so is not. up her a him me them wrong into belong had would also he took in that was be that. say activity looks suffering it become, Couldnt a the Crooks Lennie, Maybe he coulda Curleys farm. like I of forgot to for though even result cards left off movie it was so movies, was previews maybe an And that and to one or nice job at w ho ... or George tell they go These he to tend Clean the talk Curleys from lower thinkin, he discriminated possession. Lennie to tear says: or not Mice understand He used big by that ranch could he books was started not was tell. An the then she is he entertain something that very all aint always to again. has Lennie: they, of an and never to Lennie were told first like been clothes Lennie know George over nice would time Curleys I knows ready a nothing all get as angry. sets at of and has just allowed of Yet them into which his brother. that. into to Curley. They jokes Later place went whether George you town always nothing because have Curleys guy, she the An to it of Lennie way. in gets something. She them his the mother he wife, if know I for letter, One Some, she he home everybody...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Giving Directions in Chinese

Giving Directions in Chinese Some of the most important vocabulary to prepare before going to a Mandarin-speaking country is phrases and words for asking directions. Especially when traveling through a Mandarin-speaking country, you will need to be able to ask for and understand directions. Here is a quick crash-course in understanding directions in Chinese including a vocabulary list and sample practice dialogues. This Mandarin Chinese lesson comes complete with audio files to help you with your pronunciation.  Audio files are marked with ââ€" º Turn è ½â€° (traditional form) / è ½ ¬ (simplified form) ââ€" º zhuÇŽn: turnÃ¥ ¾â‚¬ ââ€" ºwng:  toward Right / Left / Straight Ã¥  ³Ã‚  Ã¢â€" ºyà ²u: rightÃ¥ · ¦ ââ€" ºzuÇ’: leftÃ¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥  ³Ã¨ ½â€° / Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥  ³Ã¨ ½ ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€" ºwng yà ²u zhun: turn rightÃ¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥ · ¦Ã¨ ½â€° / Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥ · ¦Ã‚  Ã¨ ½ ¬ ââ€" ºwng zuÇ’ zhun: turn left ä ¸â‚¬Ã§â€º ´ ââ€" ºyÄ « zhà ­: straight aheadç› ´ ââ€" ºzhà ­: continuouslyä ¸â‚¬Ã§â€º ´Ã¨ µ ° ââ€" ºyÄ « zhà ­ zÇ’u: go straight aheadç› ´Ã¨ µ ° ââ€" ºzhà ­ zÇ’u: go straight ahead Status åˆ ° ââ€" ºdo: go to / reachedÃ¥ ¿ «Ã¥Ë† °Ã¤ ºâ€  ââ€" ºkui do le: almost arrivedÃ¥ Å" ââ€" ºtà ­ng: stopåˆ °Ã¤ ºâ€  ââ€" ºdo le: have arrivedÃ¥ ¥ ½ ââ€" ºhÇŽo: okayÃ¥ ¥ ½Ã§Å¡â€ž ââ€" ºhÇŽo de: okay Landmarks ç ´â€¦Ã§ ¶  Ã§â€¡Ë† / ç º ¢Ã§ » ¿Ã§  ¯ ââ€" ºhà ³ng lÇÅ" dÄ“ng: traffic lightè · ¯Ã¥  £ ââ€" ºlà ¹ kÇ’u: intersectionå… ¬Ã¥Å"’ / å… ¬Ã¥â€º ­ ââ€" ºgÃ… ng yun: public parkç  «Ã¨ »Å Ã§ «â„¢ / ç  «Ã¨ ½ ¦Ã§ «â„¢Ã‚  Ã¢â€" ºhuÇ’ chÄ“ zhn: train stationè »Å Ã§ «â„¢ / è ½ ¦Ã§ «â„¢ ââ€" ºchÄ“ zhn: bus stationæâ€"…é ¤ ¨ ââ€" ºlÇš guÇŽn: hotel Example Dialogue 1 è «â€¹Ã¥â€¢ Ã¤ ½  Ã§Å¸ ¥Ã© â€œÃ§  «Ã¨ »Å Ã§ «â„¢Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¥â€¦â€™(traditional form)è ¯ ·Ã©â€" ®Ã¤ ½  Ã§Å¸ ¥Ã© â€œÃ§  «Ã¨ ½ ¦Ã§ «â„¢Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¥â€ž ¿(simplified form)QÇ ng wà ¨n, nÇ  zhÄ « do huÇ’ chÄ“ zhn  zi nÇŽer?Excuse me, do you know where the train station is? çŸ ¥Ã© â€œÃ£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â€º ´Ã¨ µ °Ã¥Ë† °Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã¨ · ¯Ã¥  £Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥  ³Ã¨ ½â€°Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§â€º ´Ã¨ µ °Ã§ ¶â€œÃ© Å½Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã¥Å"’ç„ ¶Ã¥ ¾Å'Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥ · ¦Ã¨ ½â€°Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§  «Ã¨ »Å Ã§ «â„¢Ã¥ ° ±Ã¥Å" ¨Ã©â€š £Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§Å¸ ¥Ã© â€œÃ£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â€º ´Ã¨ µ °Ã¥Ë† °Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã¨ · ¯Ã¥  £Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥  ³Ã¨ ½ ¬Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§â€º ´Ã¨ µ °Ã§ » Ã¨ ¿â€¡Ã¥â€¦ ¬Ã¥â€º ­Ã§â€ž ¶Ã¥ Å½Ã¥ ¾â‚¬Ã¥ · ¦Ã¨ ½ ¬Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§  «Ã¨ ½ ¦Ã§ «â„¢Ã¥ ° ±Ã¥Å" ¨Ã©â€š £Ã£â‚¬â€šZhÄ « do. YÄ « zhà ­ zÇ’u, do le là ¹ kÇ’u wÇŽng yà ²u zhuÇŽn. Zhà ­ zÇ’u jÄ «ng guà ² gÃ… ng yun, rn hà ²u wÇŽng zuÇ’ zhuÇŽn. HuÇ’ chÄ“ zhn jià ¹ zi n.I know. Go straight and turn right at the junction. Go straight through the park and turn left. The train station is right there. Example Dialogue 2 我å · ²Ã§ ¶â€œÃ¥Å" ¨Ã¦â€"…é ¤ ¨Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ½  Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¨ £ ¡Ã¥â€¢Å Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥ · ²Ã§ » Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¦â€"…é ¦â€ Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¤ ½  Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ©â€¡Å'å•ŠWÇ’ yÇ  jÄ «ng zi lÇš guÇŽn. NÇ  zi nÇŽ lÇ  a?Im already at the hotel. Where are you? 我åÅ" ¨Ã§ ´â€¦Ã§ ¶  Ã§â€¡Ë†Ã¥ Å"ä ºâ€ Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¤ ¹â€¦Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¨ ¦ Ã¥Ë† °Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥Å" ¨Ã§ º ¢Ã§ » ¿Ã§  ¯Ã¥ Å"ä ºâ€ Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¤ ¹â€¦Ã¥ ¿ «Ã¨ ¦ Ã¥Ë† °Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã£â‚¬â€šWÇ’ zi hà ³ng lÇÅ" dÄ“ng tà ­ng le hÄ›n jiÇ”, kui yo do le.I have been waiting for the traffic light for a long time, almost there. Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã£â‚¬â€šHÇŽo.Okay.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cause and effect on gluten free diet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cause and effect on gluten free diet - Essay Example One of the main reasons due to which gluten-free diet is being considered is because of an increase in celiac disease and people suffering from this disease appear to be quite insensitive to the consumption of diet that contains gluten. Celiac disease is recognized as an autoimmune disorder that tends to disrupt the smaller intestine and due to this disruption an individual experiences lack of nutrition as well as distress in the intestinal region. If these issues are not countered at an early stages then the chances of an individual developing intestinal carcinoma as well as infertility is quite high. People are moving towards gluten-free diet because in recent years several individuals have been diagnosed with this disease. A study was conducted by Rubio-Tapia in order to identify the prevalence of celiac disease amongst the population of United States and the researchers identified that 35 individuals out of a sample size of 7,798 individuals were experiencing this disease (Rubio- Tapia 1541). Fear of being diagnosed with celiac disease is not the only reason due to which individuals have started moving towards gluten-free diet. Wheat has been found to be the major source of gluten and individuals experiencing allergic reactions caused due to wheat consume less of wheat or they avoid wheat at all times and these individuals even tend to live on a gluten-free diet (Watson 133). Another disease which is regarded as a sign of celiac disease is dermatitis herpetiformis which is categorized as development of burning sensation along with rashes that are red in color and they develop on an individual’s skin (Watson 133). Physicians have proposed that individuals suffering from this disease should even avoid diet that contains gluten. Consuming gluten-free diet can both positively as well as negatively impact an

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Whatever matches the essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whatever matches the - Essay Example The fundamental root of morality and ethics in the society is the teachings of religion. While different religions may have different stakes on suicide, it is forbidden in most of the religions particularly the Abrahamic religions including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The social structure of most nations, their norms and values, trends and traditions can be traced back to the prevailing religion of a vast majority of people making up those nations. Something like suicide that is inconsistent with the teachings of religion is ethically questionable. Suicide is violence and all forms of violence are ethically significant issues. Like in every act of crime, there is an offender and a victim in suicide. What makes this form of crime unique is that both the offender and the victim is the same person. This complicates suicide as a form of violence because the involvement of the will of the victim in being victimized serves as a hindrance for others to intrude even if they want to. Others are essentially caught in a dilemma. On one hand, they feel responsible not for stopping the person committing suicide because they probably could if they used force. On the other hand, they feel responsible for stopping the person committing the suicide and thus making that person take more tension and distress. The effects of suicide are not limited to the person who commits it, but extend beyond him/her to affect the family and friends and most other people who learn about the unfortunate event. In many cases, family members take extreme steps in emotional distress and also commit the suicide in an attempt to end the agony. Since a suicide has bad psychological effects on the friends and family in particular and the society in general, its ethical significance is not questionable. To conclude, suicide is undoubtedly an ethically significant issue on the grounds of religion, violence, and social effects. Suicide is a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

War on Terror Facts Essay Example for Free

War on Terror Facts Essay Terrorists, by definition, fight an entirely different type of war. Acts of terrorism are not perpetrated by soldiers, they are carried out by individuals, or groups of individuals, who have no other recourse but to lash out at the nations that they perceive as their oppressors with whatever tools they have available. They strap bombs on their backs, walk into areas crowded with people, and strike a blow for the cause. Car bombs, snipers, hijacked airplanes, it makes no difference how the terrorist act is accomplished, as long as it has the desired effect. There are no rules of warfare, no governments to be held accountable, and no moral standards to be upheld. Now we find ourselves, as Americans, waging war against an army of individuals that have no common country, government, or ethical measure to which they can be held accountable. Their numbers increase exponentially as we drop smart bombs, and roll tanks over the very people that the terrorists fight to liberate from oppression, further fueling the fire of hatred that burns for us and what we stand for. Whether the U. S. s seen as a liberator, freeing the people from oppressive Fundamentalists, or the Fundamentalists are seen as Freedom Fighters liberating the people from an occupying force, the reason for the conflict is irrelevant. This article is meant only to bring about discussion as to how to end it. The fact is that we are currently fighting a war under terms in which we cannot possibly win, our enemies know it, and they are emboldened by it. Since the beginning of America’s War on Global Terrorism, the number of terrorists in has increased, as have the bombings and casualties, and not just in Iraq. The increase of terrorist activities has increased worldwide, and despite what our leaders tell us, there is no end in sight. If we continue on this course, we will lose this fight. You can win a war against an opposing country or government, but you can’t win a war against an enemy that has no boundaries, no limits, no leader to concede defeat, or an enemy army that gains 10 new recruits for every casualty inflicted. At least not by using conventional methods and abiding by any type of moral code or rules of warfare. The importance of this cliched expression cannot be underestimated. Victories on the battlefield or in the interrogation rooms are meaningless if terror networks can continue to recruit from a large wellspring of discontented youth. And that is exactly what is happening. The wave of horror and sympathy for the victims that spread across much of the Arab and Muslim world after 11 September has long ago changed to something else. America is seen as having capitalised on those attacks by trying to conquer Muslim countries Afghanistan and Iraq. The war on Saddam was seen by many as an unwarranted attack on a largely defenceless civilian population, already emaciated by 12 years of UN sanctions. Washingtons military and diplomatic support for Israel still the bete noire for most Arabs is undiminished. Unfairly, many young Arabs blame their unemployment and lack of a political voice on a US-Zionist conspiracy aimed at somehow suppressing Muslims. But there is also now a growing conviction that the Bush administration has acquired a taste for regime change and will not stop at Baghdad. Threats to Syria and Iran to change their policies only confirm that view. Against this backdrop it is hardly surprising that the US and its close ally Britain are losing the battle for Arab and Muslim hearts and minds

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Mother Should Have the Choice Essay -- Abortion, Argumentative, Pr

The Mother Should Have the Choice When abortion is being discussed in any case, there is one common question to be answered; does the mother or the fetus have the rights? Aborting pregnancies has been around for centuries, and so has all of the controversy around abortions, dealing with religious beliefs and morals. After all sides are looked at women, the mother should have the right to decide what she wants to be done with her unborn child. This essay will support the idea that women have the right to choose what is to be done with there unborn child only in the first trimester of their pregnancy. The first trimester of a pregnancy is where the decision should be made about the unborn child. After that time frame abortion should not be allowed for the damage is too great on the woman’s body and the unborn child has devolved too much. The sooner the abortion takes place the safer the outcomes. In addition, "forcing a woman to carry a fetus to term unless she meets certain criteria unrelated to her own aspirations and priorities is a profound interference with a woman’s body and thus a violation of security of the person." (Smith 105) Smith makes a good argument here, stating that forcing laws and morals on the mother is violating her right to security of persons. The mother is the individual and the fetus is part of her body, which is why the mother has the right to choose what will happen to her body, only in the first trimester. Next, "The only good solution to the moral ambiguities involved is to prevent unwanted pregnancies." (Cauthen) Preventing unwanted preg nancies would help reduce child abuse, child neglect, reduce adoption and just help control the abuse a child receives. A woman may have gotten pregnant for man... ... life and let some else love the child and provide for it. In the end the child should be able to live. With everything to take in to consideration the mother should be the one to have the choice as to what should be done to her body and her unborn child in the first trimester. While the issues apposing abortion are strong, the woman should still be the one allowed to decide what is in the best interest for herself and the unborn child. As law states now and as it will go in the future woman will be able to choose what happens to them as and their unborn child. The mother will be the only one to decide what is morally and ethically correct for her and her unborn baby. Works Cited Mason, J K, and R A McCall Smith. Law and Medical Ethics. London: Butterworths, 1994. Cauthen, Kenneth. "Abortion." 18 June. 2001 http://www.frontiernet.net/~kenc/abort.htm.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Social Penetration Theory & the Uncertain Reduction Theory

Uncertainty reduction theory This theory comes to explain the uncertainty among people who communicate with each other and how different types of communication will help to reduce the uncertainty. As a starting point, the developers of this theory (Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese) stated that uncertainty is an unpleasant feeling, which people prefer to avoid as much as they can. Every person has been confronted with the feeling of uncertainty, rather if it was when arriving to new a destination or more commonly when meeting a new person.In order to reduce the unpleasant feeling, people tend to seek information about the uncertain and by that creating more comfortable feelings, and more predictable relationships in case of communication with other people. â€Å"Coping with uncertainty is a central issue in any face-to-face encounter, whether interactants are conscious of this fact or not† (Uncertainty Reduction Theory Then and Now. Charles R. Berger), but when the uncertai nty is reducing automatically the feeling of attraction (not only physically) start to emerge.In the heart of this theory, Berger and Calabrese connected uncertainty with seven concepts that are in the base of communication: verbal output, nonverbal warmth, information seeking, self-disclosure, reciprocity of disclosure, similarity, and liking. On top of that, they stated that communication reduces uncertainty, and motivation to come over the unpleasant feeling of uncertainty will occur in three situations, and in those situations people will be more likely to reduce their uncertainty level: †¢There are incentives to one of the sides (What this person can do for me? . †¢Expecting future interaction (New unfamiliar roommate). †¢Unexpected / unusual behavior from the other side There is also three basic ways in which people seeking information about another person: †¢Passive strategies – observing the other person, without him knowing he being watched. †¢Active strategies – usually will be done through asking third parties for information about the person you are interested in. †¢Interactive strategies – direct contact and connection with the other person.Sales & the Uncertainty reduction theory â€Å"There are at least two ways uncertainty is relevant to interpersonal communication processes. First, in the broad sense, uncertainty reduction is a vital concern for the conduct of almost any communicative transaction. Second, uncertainty reduction’s impact on interpersonal relationships can be looked at in a more narrow sense; that is, the role-played by uncertainty reduction in the prediction of specific relationship outcomes.The broader role of uncertainty reduction concerns the interaction process itself, whereas the narrow sense concerns the outcomes of the interaction† (Charles Berger). The interpersonal communication process is crucial for any sales person in any kind of industry no matter what kind of products / services he or she trying to promote or sell. The essence of building relationship is the uncertainty reduction theory as the two sides (more important for the sales person) trying to discover the person who stands in front of him.Definitely being able to help to the other person to know more about yourself (the salesperson point of view), will help in the purpose of reducing his uncertainty and uncomfortable feelings he deals with, while developing relationship with the salesperson. Assuming I am a salesperson, first thing in the process of building relationship (before the first contact with a customer) is to use the passive and active strategies in order to gather as much information I can about my customer.Form the moment the first meeting was conducted, I will use the interactive strategy as I wish my customer will know everything he want to know about me (or about the product / service I wish to promote),and by that making him feel more comfortable and not vulnerable. The purpose of using this theory expressed best in the course book â€Å"SELL†, It was mentioned that â€Å"The more the sales person knows, the easier it is to build trust and gain the confidence of the buyer. Buyers have certain expectations of the salesperson and the knowledge that he or she brings to the table†.This quote reflects best why a salesperson must use the uncertainty reduction theory in order to achieve his goals. As a salesperson, I should adjust my content and tactic toward my customer habits; this is another reason why it is important to use the three ways for gathering information according to the uncertainty reduction theory (Active, Passive and Interpersonal). The Social Penetration Theory This theory takes the theory of Berger and Calabrese one step deeper, as it xamines more deeply the interpersonal relationship / communication between two or more parties. The theory developed by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor (1973), in which they st ated that as relationship develop, it become deeper and deeper, from non-intimate levels through to more personal levels. This method also called ‘Onion analogy’, as the intimacy grows and time pass by, more layers of the personality revealed to the other side, that is also the way social penetration is being made, through self disclosure.According to this theory, the disclosure goes through few stages: Orientation stage, exploratory affective stage, affective stage, stable stage and de-penetration stage. Each stage reflects the level of intimacy / level of familiarity with another person. Number of studies examined this theory, all agreed that development of relationship between people come together with development from knowing peripherals aspects of personality into deeper aspects. The theory of social penetration provides a framework for describing the development of interpersonal relationship. These behaviors include exchange of information, exchange of expressions of positive and negative affect, and mutual activities† (The development of interpersonal relationship: social penetration processes). The salesperson should be aware both to his personality, together with the customer personality, and to understand to which level of intimacy the customer is willing to reach / or to which level he want to get with the customer. Sales & The Social Penetration TheorySalespersons should understand the implications of the social penetration theory on the best side in order to create long term relationship between them (or the company they are represent) and their consumers. These days any business, no matter how big it is, wishes to create base of loyal customers who had good experience with the business directly or through the business sales force. From that reason, the business sales force has to be skilled in the aspect of interpersonal relationship. For example, a salesperson who skips the levels / stages of disclosure (according to theory) w ill fail in his purpose of ‘capturing the customer’.On top of that, his self-disclosure should be done precisely as well and he should not give to much information about himself or the product / service in the early stages of the relationship. â€Å"Most service marketers today recognize the importance of keeping customers and making them into better customers (Berry 1983). In marketing whole life insurance (and, perhaps, similar services), the sales-person's ability to affect the customer's commitment and dependency on the provider may be determined largely by the interpersonal relationship he or she establishes with the customer.Likewise, in service contexts characterized by continuous exchange activity and considerable purchase uncertainty, the long-term interests of the customer may be best served by initiating and maintaining enduring relationships with salespeople† (Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective). As mentio ned in the quote above, establishing good interpersonal relationship between the salesperson and the customer is crucial for any business these days.Moreover, in order to create good brand name for the business, the salesperson must have the ability to answer all the expectations of the customer, and to be trustworthy while doing so. The key issue for salesperson when he implicate the social penetration theory is not to hurry thing too much, for instance he can’t be intimate with the customer at the early stages of the relationship. He should be peaceful, and should have the ability to give the customer the opportunity to disclose himself and not to push him into the corner and by that scare him away.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Multi National Corporation

â€Å"On balance, multinational corporations provide more positive outcomes for society than negative ones†. Multinational corporations are practically in every sphere of modern life, from policy making to the  environment and international security; from problems of identity and community to the future of work and nation state. (Gabel and Bruner,  2003, VI) A multi-national corporation (MNC) is a business organisation which has its headquarters in one country but conducts and controls productive activities in a range of different countries.There are numerous examples of such organisations, car manufacturers like Ford, Toyota, Honda , Volkswagen; oil companies like Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil ; technology companies like Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard ,Canon ; food and drink companies such as Coca Cola, Interbrew, McDonalds, FMCG companies like P&G and banking companies like Yes bank, Hsbs, etc.According to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1998), the multinational organisation is defined by the following characteristics: ‘A decentralized federation of asset and responsibilities, a management process defined by simple financial control systems overlaid on informal personal coordination, and a dominant strategic mentality that viewed the company’s worldwide operations as a portfolio of national business. In a multinational organisation, the decisions, obviously, are decentralised. ’ Generally speaking multinational corporations are a boon to this world.They have made this world a better place to live in. There are numerous positive outcomes of a MNC. These corporations have brought this world together and have connected the whole mankind. They have developed the underdeveloped countries through their investments and improving their economy. MNC, by their very nature, are large organisations. Their size means they often have considerable power and influence and as a result have come in for some criticism of their actions. It is also assumed that MN Cs tend to locate operations in poor countries only.This, of course, is not the case. Honda and Nissan have both invested heavily in production facilities in the UK but are Japanese companies. (Bized, 2007) Multinational Corporations are believed to play a major role in improving the economy and lifestyle of the developing country. MNC have made this world a global village and connected people from all parts of the world and made them work together in a state of harmony. Due to these transnational corporations, the working of people from different origin, caste, and race is possible.These corporations are the reason that we can now live together with any type of human. They have made it possible for us to think globally and live globally. It is believed among many economists that MNCs fill various gaps within a host country's economy. The first and most often cited one is that, when domestic investment and savings doesn't meet the required rate of growth in the economy, the gap in i nvestment is filled by the MNCs' investment because these corporations have large funds and so can help in building an economy benefitting the whole world.Secondly when the targeted foreign exchange is not met by the net foreign exchange derived from imports and exports together with net public debt, the gap is constituted by MNCs' net exports and capital inflow. These giant enterprises also fill the gap between targeted government tax revenues and locally raised taxes. Lastly the gap of management skills, entrepreneurship and technological skills are believed to be filled by the MNCs. They bind all sorts of people together because these are huge agencies and so require works of all type.Engineers use technological skills to make a product which is sold by entrepreneurs using management skills and lastly the whole all account is managed by managers. So everyone works together filling up the gap between them. (Financial times, 2001) According to A. K. Cairn Cross, ‘It is not po ssible to buy development so cheaply. The provision of foreign capital may yield a more adequate infrastructure, but rarely by itself generates rapid development unless there are already large investment opportunities going a begging. That is why the intervention of multinational corporations is imperative in the context of the economic growth and modernisation of developing economies where ample investment avenues lie open and yet due to lack of capital and technical know-how, these potentials remain unexploited. Multinational corporations help in reorganising the economic infrastructure in collaboration with the domestic sector through financial and technical help. These corporations build huge buildings and factories which improves the infrastructure of a developing country to a huge extent. Multinational organisations (MNO) have helped in he increase of employment in the host nation as well as in the other countries where it functions. Let us assume that a company manufactures a nd supplies raw material for making furniture. To this firm, the contract to supply the raw material for the new plant might be worth ? 35000. If the plant was not built then the firm will not generate that order and not receive that work. For workers working in the plant, the order helps to maintain the flow of orders and can keep them in employment. It can also be expected that the additional income will find its way through the local economy.If additional people are hired, they will receive an income which they spend. For existing workers, increased orders might equate to job security and they too might feel more confident in spending on new items – furniture, house extension, new white goods, holidays and so on. Inward investment therefore can act as a trigger to generating wealth in the local economy. If a MNC is attracted to an area then this might also lead to other smaller firms in the supply chain deciding to locate in those areas. Other firms providing services to t hese firms are then attracted to the area and so on. (Bized, 2007)MNCs provide immense resources and investments, technology, innovation and expertise to the host societies. A culture of research and development is encouraged and human resources are developed, at least within the organization. MNCs also contribute significantly to the national treasury by paying taxes. As these organisations have huge revenues and profits so the amount of tax paid by these organisations is also large, this in turn lifts up the economy of the country. MNCs bring with them new ideas and new techniques that can help to improve the quality of production and help boost the quality of human capital in the host country.Many will not only look to employ local labour but also provide them with training and new skills to help them improve productivity and efficiency. In some cases this can prove a challenge but in others it can lead to improvements in motivation and productivity. The skills that workers build up can then be passed on to other workers and so this improves the supply of skilled labour in the area which makes it more attractive to new industry as it helps to reduce the costs of training and skilling of workers. In addition to the investment in a country in production and distribution facilities, a multinational orporation might also invest in additional infrastructure facilities like road, rail, port and communications facilities. This can provide benefits for the whole country as in building road or port one requires labour, therefore eradicating the problem of unemployment. If people are employed they will like to buy different products which will lead to increase of production and supply leading to making of new factories to meet the demand and therefore uplifting the whole economy. Peter Drucker (1975) remarks that multinationalism and expanding world trade are two sides of the same coin.He points out that the period of most rapid growth of multinational trade was in t he fifties and sixties. Indeed, during this period the world economy grew faster than the fastest growing domestic economy of Japan. India has always been facing the issue of brain drain since the past few decades where   Indian students go to developed economies like United States for higher studies and  never return back. But the above statement highlights a new trend, even though not as  prominent as the earlier one, entrepreneurs migrating to other emerging economies for better business prospects.But due to liberalization in 1991 many multinational corporations are allowed in our country which has reduced brain drain to a much greater extent, as students get the opportunities to work in a better environment that is matching their level of education, in their home country itself as these corporations give the skilled employees a good amount of money which was missing before the globalization. So they come back after the higher education to work in their home country instead of settling in foreign nations. In short it causes Brain Gain instead of Brain Drain.Good governance, organizational transparency, clear command structures, and performance-based evaluation and incentives programs for employees encourage the merit system. MNCs introduce a professional working environment and culture for local organizations to emulate, thereby promoting sound management and business education. In some cases, large-scale economies, quality control and a healthy competition lead to price cuts and other benefits for the end-user. People have more access to the comforts of life with a large variety of choices.Today a person is available with many choices if he goes to buy a handbag or a shoe. There are ten brands offering the same material so the company is forced to use the best quality materials for their product reducing the amount of prices. Earlier before liberalization there was no competition so as there was a single local company selling a product which gave tha t local company full authority over the prices and the material used in making the product. These local companies used low quality material and increased the prices of the goods.But this drawback has been fulfilled by these multinational corporations. MNCs help boost cross-boundary interaction among people. Even education, particularly, business education, has taken on a global perspective. The global perspectives and opportunities for cross-cultural understanding increase the adaptability of students to alien environments. This leads to the mixing of cultures and practices and encourages pluralism as well as competition which helps in overall learning of the student and makes him capable of working in any environment. (Khalid Rahman, n. d. The enormous resources of the multinational enterprises enable them to have very efficient research and development systems. Thus, they make a commendable contribution to inventions and innovations. They also work to equalize the cost of Factors of Production- Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneur-around the world. MNCs also stimulate domestic enterprise because to support their own operations, the MNCs may encourage and assist domestic suppliers. So they help in increase completion and break domestic monopolies.Today fun and entertainment have become a refuge for man from their misery, tension and daily hectic routine. A good level of Media Company can provide that kind of entertainment that will help the common man to relax. A good show can only be made if the company has enough funds to afford it which is only manageable by a multinational corporation. Due to the globalization we are able to enjoy the fun of the animated movies, thrill of James Bond and Romance of Twilight. We have been able to enjoy the 3D effects and the shopping mall life due to these corporations.The luxuries offered by the Grand Hayat or Radisson are not possible without MNCs. Reliance is a perfect example for a MNC which provides entertainment to all sorts of people worldwide. From theatres to producing a movie, from channels to televisions, reliance provides everything related to entertainment to the rest of the world. The ‘khushiyon ki home delivery’ of dominoes or the yummy Mc veggie burger of McDonalds was not even believed to be possible in your home town thirty years back. In this world of skyscrapers and travelling to mile long distances for work, one requires transport.I don’t think one can travel by foot twenty kilometres to your office. One has to possess a vehicle or travel by public transport. These vehicles are manufactured by the MNCs like Ford, Mahindra, Honda, Tata and many more. Multinational companies have made your easy and comfortable. In a survey carried over all over the world the most important, unavoidable and most needed service or profession is the field of medicine. To answer the question of MNCs having more positive outcomes than the negative ones, why not take this important f ield as an index, Particularly in India.This is a proven fact that medical professionals trained in India are amongst the best in the world. A large percentage of doctors in NHS UK (National Health Scheme) 26 % to be exact, and in United States are doctors of Indian origin. This so called brain drain was primarily because of lack of availability of infrastructure and facilities for specialized training and treatments in India. With the advent of Multinational corporations the best of the training facilities, knowledge equipments and medicines are now available freely in India at affordable cost. Health commission of India, London) We take a particular example in the field of orthopaedic surgery, particularly joint replacements. The Dr. C S Ranawat– Atal Bihari Vajpai episode- is not far away when India or India trained doctors replaced our prime ministers knee joint with an artificial joint made by a foreign MNC which was designed and invented by Dr C S Ranwat himself. Incide ntally who is from Indore and an old Dalian. To take a company in particular as an example DEPUY, this was previously owned by Johnson and Johnson but now merged with Synthes.They are the largest manufactures of artificial joints of hip and knee in the world. As their operations are now very well established in India the best, latest joints are available freely to us. As these companies have access to the most modern training facilities and so the faculty Indian doctors can get trained in India and abroad at affordable expenses and with ease. The Depuy academy in Chennai, the Ethicon institute in New Delhi and many others are amongst the best training institutes in the world set up by these huge multinational enterprises.As these corporations have associations, sponsorships with the faculties who are in the fore front of research, the Indian doctors now have better opportunity to gain knowledge with the leaders in their field. The sessions held in many cities held in India of the Am erican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) and annual meetings of IGOF Indo German orthopaedic foundations are possible only because of the logistic and financial support of these corporate. Similarly the British orthopaedic society is having a special autumn session in the national conference of the Indian orthopaedic association in Chennai.So now we have a situation where the best of the medical professionals with world class training and knowledge armed with all the latest equipments and implants available at our door step. Now a common man who previously could not afford to have such modern operations or surgeries now can have access to them. One do not have to go abroad to have these procedures. Agreed that some profit goes to the multinational giants but the ultimate beneficiary is the common man. As the number of these high end surgeries increases the local hospitals, doctors, infrastructure, paramedical staff have their own benefits.Looking to the huge population of India and as the number of these surgeries are growing rapidly, the Indian doctors are also now becoming opinion at world level and the Mncs are designing the implants to special Asian needs. And as the experience of the Indian MNCs are supplying same products to the world. So the product used in its home country will be same as the product it has supplied to the rest of the world. One cannot deny the fact that, today multinational companies have become part of our lives.With all the above glamour and luxuries offered by these corporations they provide a lot of economic help to the developing countries. There are some negative aspects of multinational companies but there are more positive outcomes. They have made our lives worth living. The technological advancements and business growth is the result of working of these corporations. MNCs have connected the world as a whole. Some will say that globalization has ruined the culture of a country, say India. But what MNCs have eradicated is n ot our rich traditions but our false believes.One still celebrates Diwali with the same enthusiasm as he used to do ten years ago. But due to globalization today women have the right to vote, the literacy rate of our country has increased, female foeticide and infanticide is banned, untouchability has been banned, caste system is eradicated. Today people have started following their own dreams, not doing what others say. Education system of the country has developed. Number of students going into higher education is increasing year by year.This all is possible only because MNCs have brought Globalization which has led to change in the narrow minded mentality of the people to a realistic logical one. Today’s generation is grown up and does not live in a world surrounded by superstitions. Imagine a world without MNCs where we don’t have all the big companies and your favourite brands. From coca-cola to KFC, from Reebok to Adidas, from Starbucks to Barista, CK to UCB, and Louis Vetton to Gucci â€Å"You Are Living It†. REFRENCE LIST 1. Gabel M and H Bruner,  2003. Global In, New York: The New Press. 2.Peter drucker, management, Bombay, Allied publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1975, p. 733 3. Christopher A Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal, Managing Across Borders, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1998 4. Bized, 2007, Economic Notes- Multi-national Corporations, http://www. bized. co. uk/learn/economics/notes/multi. htm (date accessed: 16/10/2012) 5. Dinithi Thanthiriwatte, 6th June 2004, MNCs – bane or boon for development? Financial Times, Sunday Times. 6. A K Craincross, 1953, Home and Foreign Investment, 1870-1913: Studies in Capital Accumulation, University Press . Khalid Rahman, MNCs and TNCs: Their Role and Socioeconomic Impact on Host Societies, Policy Perspectives, Volume 4, No. 2, http://www. ips. org. pk/globalization/1007-mncs-and-tncs-their-role-and-socioeconomic-impact-on-host-societies. html (date accessed: 18/10/12) 8. Health Com mission of India, London, Biotechnology and Healthcare, http://hcilondon. in/biotech. php (date accessed: 20/10/2012 ) 9. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, http://www3. aaos. org/education/international/courses/prev_courses. cfm? evt_year=2012 (date accessed: 21/10/2012)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adam Sandler Biography essays

Adam Sandler Biography essays Hes always been funny; he always woke up in a good mood. We knew he would be an entertainer, says Adams Mom. Adam Sandler is a book by David Seidman about the life of comedian, actor, and solo artist, Adam Sandler. In this report I will be talking about his childhood, influences (i.e. being Jewish and his father), his and accomplishments. Adam was born in Brooklyn, New York on September 9, 1966. As he is the youngest of four, children he has two older sisters, Elizabeth and Valerie, and one older brother, Scott. When he was six, he moved to Manchester, New Hampshire where he spent most of his childhood. When he was young he was the family joker. Whenever his mother or teachers would try to punish him, he would try to make them laugh instead. He would tell a joke or sing in a funny voice. His mom tried to have him take singing lessons because he would always sing in funny voices. Adam did not like it too much. He stated, ...that it didnt work out too well because I would rather be playing baseball than singing in a room with an old lady. When he was seventeen he went to New York to attend college at NYU, and so his life as a comedian began. He started doing stand up comedy in the clubs by NYU. At first the club didnt think he was that good but they let him do it anyway because all his friends came when he performed and the club charged them $2 a person. Rejection did not stick well with Sandler; it acted as further motivation to prove everyone wrong. He had unique challenges during his career that has influenced his work and can be seen in his movies and songs. He had to deal with his parents and their not liking his comedy, which sometimes makes fun of his father and dealing with their disappointment in him not taking education seriously. He said, Instead of being book smart, I decided to have fun. His mother would ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

English Coursework

English Coursework English Coursework English Coursework Writing literature coursework or any other English coursework in any fashion that occurs to a writer may later make him do time-consuming revisions. Before doing any coursework writing, therefore, you should carefully study not only the coursework format but also the style manual recommended by your professor, college or institution. If a coursework writer is specifically granted the right to select a style, he can find several manuals available to serve as guides. After adopting a style, he must adhere to it throughout the college coursework writing, for switching from one acceptable style to another is not permissible. Mastering the methods of academic coursework research is important, for an outstanding scientific investigation is of little value if the findings are not effectively communicated to others. Accomplishing this feat is somewhat different from writing a nontechnical composition. A coursework writer does not try to entertain, amuse, or persuade the reader, nor does he merely discuss his opinions concerning a problem or suggest solutions and argue on the basis of general observations. Rather, college coursework writer presents a hypothesis, explains the procedures employed to test it, cites the factual data collected, and announces whether they confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis. A clear, objective, logical presentation and analysis of the evidence rather than an emotionalized argument or diverting descriptions are required in academic coursework writing: Since an academic coursework is not ordinarily read by laymen but by well-informed individuals with more than a passing interest in the topic, it is critically and systematically scrutinized. Coursework reviewers will be skeptical of any assertions unless demonstrated evidence is presented; they may challenge the writer's reasoning processes, the interpretation placed upon the data, the accuracy of the footnotes, or they may even repeat the experiment to check the results. Hence, a research coursework must be able to stand the test of critical tutor supplied by other academic coursework writing. Custom Coursework If you need coursework help, you have an opportunity to request assistance at our site. We have 24/7 support to answer any question you have about our writers and services. We are working hard to meet the requirements of all clients asking of English coursework writing help. Even if you have already started working on your English coursework but do not know how to finish it, contact us and we will help you. All papers are delivered prior to deadline to allow sufficient time for revision. is a professional and absolutely legal site. Read also: Free Research Papers APA Style Research Paper Writing a Reaction Paper Valentine's Day Essay Sociology Paper

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Giving a summary and offering a contemporary example Essay

Giving a summary and offering a contemporary example - Essay Example This is also called the male gaze. Under what is a broad umbrella of psychoanalysis, different theories vary there between. The basic method of psychoanalysis is the interpretation of the relative subjects’ unconscious conflicts, that later tend to interfere with his or her day-to-day normal functioning’s. These conflicts may pose a threat such as causing phobia, anxiety or depression. Feminism on the other hand, which generally fights for ideologies aimed at defining, as well as defending equal opportunities for women in the political and economical sector (Musa, 2010, 68). This gives a feminist the role to advocate for the rights and equalities of women. In light of Laura Mulvey, and her strong ideologies, there leaves a question to be answered, on whether it still is fair to characterize women mainly as objects of the male gaze. The media in general, portrays certain roles to be taken up by either men or women. However, its men who gain the upper hand, leaving women to fit in what are at times referred to as the excess positions. The issue is thus; could there be a reversed definition of the male gaze? Meaning, could there be a female gaze? Identifying with a female gaze is just but a mere identification with the masculinity issue (Halberstam, 2008, 93). When it comes to the question about media, Laura Mulvey views Hollywood as being a good example, and a proper definition of a monolithic construct. It is evident that films and media in general, aim at mass-producing daydreams and fantasies as well, but for what purpose. Women tend to suffer being objectified via the media, through unconscious desires, which are a creation founded in a patriarchal ideology. Mulvey further builds on her ideas, with the claim that with psychoanalysis, one is able and at a position to discover the fascination of media work, in terms of the individual subject, and certain social formations that continue to mould him (Mulvey,